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Peoriacon Events Schedule

With the huge success of PeoriaCon® we are looking forward to twice the excitement! We are ready for another great year with the best comic book, cosplay and gaming convention fun in the area. We are linking up all of your favorites dealers for this year’s show. 


Next Show

March 29-30, 2025



  • Tickets sold at the door

  • Ticket price

    • $17.00 Adult Ticket per day

    • Children 12 and under are free with an accompanying adult.



Parking will be controlled by the Peoria Civic Center


Show Hours

  • Show Hours

    • Saturday10:00 to 5:00

    • Sunday   11:00 to 4:00



Giveaways For Attendes



Door prizesSeminars, Panels Cosplay contest with prizes


March 29,2025

Saturday Schedule

10:00 AM: Show Opens

11:00 AM: Seminar Plotting your novels (Andy Zach covers his plotting process for his 8, soon to be 9, fiction books. Anyone can use this process for any kind of fiction.)

11:00 AM: Tournament Mario Kart 8 Deluxe

12:00 PM: Adventures of Cosplay: A how-to Cosplay Workshop (Brief Description:  Are you interested in cosplay but do not know where to start? Have you gotten into cosplay and prop building and want to learn more or improve your skills? If the answer is yes then this workshop is for you. In this cosplay workshop Emcee Monte will teach you how to make your own cosplay from start to finish, the basics of pattern making, building with EVA foam and other materials to bring your ideas or favorite character to life.)

12:00 PM: Pokemon Tournament  Free entry 1st prize (card pool of boosters) 2nd prize (1/2 card pool of boosters) 3rd prize (1/4 card pool of boosters)

01:00 PM: “Coslay is Good Mental Health!” This engaging panel, led by a certified mental health therapist, explores the profound impact of cosplay on well-being. Through lively discussions, we uncover the myriad benefits it offers - fostering connections, igniting creativity, and boosting confidence. However, the panel also delves into the potential challenges, shedding light on the "dark side" of this vibrant hobby. Join us as we navigate the intricate tapestry of mental health within the captivating world of cosplay. 

01:00 PM: Magic The Gathering Commander Tournament $5.00 entry knockout and / or win round (win a pack)

02:00 PM: Ghostbusters Peoria: Heart of Illinois Center for Unexplained Phenomenon

03:00 PM: PeoriaCon® Cosplay Contest  (Prejudging)

04:00 PM: PeoriaCon® Cosplay Contest (CRAFTSMANSHIP DIVISIONS and BEST OF SHOW )

05:00 PM: Show Closes


March 30,2025

Sunday Schedule

11:00 AM: Show Opens

11:00 AM: "Engage Your Inner Hero!"  (is an interactive panel that explores how Joseph Campbell's Hero's Journey resonates with our own mental health journeys. Led by a licensed mental health counselor, the lively discussion encourages participants to share insights about their favorite films and heroes, mapping their personal struggles and triumphs onto the narrative arc of the Hero's Journey.)

12:00 PM: Tournament Super Smash Bros. Ultimate

12:00 PM: One Piece Tournament $10.00 entry 1st prize (box of boosters) 2nd prize (1/2box of boosters) 3rd prize (1/4box of boosters)

01:00 PM: steampunk presentation: steampunk presentation on the history of substance use treatment and recovery in Victorian times.

02:00 PM: Seminar How to start Self-publishing, step by step (Andy Zach goes through the steps he follows in publishing his books. He's published 19 through Amazon and will probably have #11 done by the end of 2024. This process works for both fiction and non-fiction books on Amazon.)

02:00 PM: PeoriaCon® Cosplay Contest  (Prejudging)

03:00 PM: PeoriaCon® Cosplay Contest (TEEN DIVISION and YOUTH DIVISION )

04:00 PM: Show Closes

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